After almost 2 months... I finally got to see him!
It was so much fun watching him and his team play against USC. Unfortunately they lost in 5 both nights:(
On the brighter side we went on a really fun date Saturday night to mexican restaurant I have been wanting
to try. It's on Beverly Blvd and it's called El Coyote Cafe. Alex's game ended late so we didn't get there until 11... randomly that night it was the restaurants 80th anniversary and from 11-12 pm they had enchiladas with rice and beans for only 80 cents!!! So we scored big time! After dinner I wanted Alex to try one of my favorite spots called Millions of Milkshakes but it was really crowded so we decided to go to Yogurtland in Westwood instead.
I L-O-V-E-D spending every second I did with him. I look forward to our next date night whenever it will be:)